Chris Rudnicki

office: (416) 629-4800, ext 101
Collect: 1 (833) 628-4801

Chris believes in a world without prisons. This belief drives him to excellence in legal advocacy on behalf of his clients. He leaves no stone unturned in the fight to keep his clients free.

Chris specializes in appeals and post-verdict applications. After a finding of guilt, most people feel like all hope is lost. Chris meets with clients after a verdict and immediately begins planning to preserve their reputation and liberty. Sometimes, this means bringing a motion to set aside a verdict before sentencing. Others, it means bringing a motion for bail so a client can remain free pending an appeal from a trial-level decision. In every case, Chris works diligently with his clients to scour the record and identify the right legal issue to achieve the best possible result.

Chris has the experience and training to deliver on these commitments. He has argued hundreds of cases at every level of court, including several at the Supreme Court of Canada. In addition to his law degree, he holds an advanced Master of Laws degree with a specialization in criminal law and procedure. He is an adjunct professor at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law, where he coaches student law competitions and teaches Advanced Criminal Law. He has been selected by his peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada. Rudnicki & Company is one of the few firms ranked in the highest tier for criminal defence, both locally and nationally, in The Best Law Firms in Canada.

Chris regularly gives lectures, publishes articles, and speaks with media about emerging issues in the criminal law. His work has been featured in For the Defence, the Criminal Law Quarterly, the Canadian Bar Review, and the Supreme Court Law Review. He wrote and regularly updates the chapter on appeals in McWilliams’ Canadian Criminal Evidence, the authoritative text on the law of evidence in Canada. He delivers seminars for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association and the National Judicial Institute and regularly guest lectures at law schools across Ontario. His comments have appeared in the Toronto Star, the Globe and Mail, the National Post, CTV News, and CBC Radio.

Chris strongly believes in public service. He is a member of the Pro Bono Inmate Assistance Program at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, helping people who can’t afford a lawyer to identify winning legal issues on appeal. He is a member of the Criminal, Gladue, and Extremely Serious Matters panels at Legal Aid Ontario. He sits on the Board of Directors for the Criminal Lawyers’ Association. He is the head coach for Toronto Metropolitan University’s award-winning Gale Cup moot team. He regularly gives pro bono legal advice to political activists and victims of police violence.

If you are looking for an expert and compassionate criminal lawyer on your side, call or write today to schedule a private consultation with Chris.

Chris’s academic writings are available for free in the Rudnicki & Company case library.