Advocacy tips
“Forget the Wind-up and Make the Pitch”
The classic and always relevant piece on effective factum-writing by the Hon. Justice Laskin.
“The Basics of Appellate Advocacy”
Supremely helpful advice on appellate advocacy from the eyes of the bench, by the Hon. Justice Brown.
“Writing Up the Facts and Winning Big”
A foundational piece on effective writing,by the Hon. Justice Stratas.
“Some Factum writing suggestions”
Short but sweet piece on effective writing from appellate Justices Stratas, Feldman, and Simmons.
Frank Addario’s remarks on winning the martin medal
One of the profession’s greats on what it means to be a criminal defence lawyer.
Mclachlin cj’s remarks on winning the martin medal
The former Chief Justice on progress and challenges in the Canadian criminal justice system.